
We know everything about grinding, sanding and polishing

We offer grinding solutions and advice about grinding, sanding and polishing products.

Because a real grinding solution is more than simply a good product!




CIRE & BOENWAS (Wax & floor polish)

The name Cibo refers to the origin of the company that was founded in 1948 by grandmother Gilles. She was a talented chemist and started a one-woman company in self-shining floor polishing products.

Floor polish was soon supplemented by everything related to the sanding of wood. After being taken over in 1978 by the youngest son, Dominique Gilles, the company shifted its attention from finishing wood to the surface treatment of metals. Which was a successful choice.

In 2017, the CEO Dominique Gilles announced the transfer of the company’s leadership to the third generation. Bram and Sophie Gilles have now taken over the reins of the company.

Cibo lady


Cibo is active in over 40 countries worldwide.


Made in Belgium Belgian flag


Cibo: family business with a mission

  • High-quality solution-oriented technical abrasive materials
  • Exclusive patented products
  • 100% own production of Rebel One
  • Our team of experts is waiting to assist you

Why manufacture in Belgium?

  • Guarantees the highest quality
  • Belgium is our source of inspiration for R&D
  • Everything under one roof





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Our experts are not simply salesmen, they are skilled expert advisors who can provide you with advice and support. Are you looking for tips and advice based on your individual requirements? Then don’t hesitate to contact us!


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